What are people saying?

“Aubrey saved my life. I frequently say this when I introduce people to her. But it’s true. When I first met Aubrey I was overweight, depressed, undisciplined, taking blood pressure meds, didn’t want to go out in public and was stuck in a perpetual cycle of guilt, shame and despair. Aubrey listened to me, discussed my goals and then worked with me to develop a plan for change. I was scared, in fact I was petrified. I didn’t think I could do it. But Aubrey knew I could. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. You see, she never saw what I saw when I looked in the mirror; she only saw the strong healthy person she knew I could be. And she pushed me to reach my goals and become that person. She rejoiced in every milestone I reached, she taught me to show myself grace when I stumbled, she loved me and more importantly she helped me to love myself again. Five years later, I am off my blood pressure meds and at 46 I’m in the best shape of my life. I still train with Aubrey several times a week and love every minute of it. Integrity. Intelligence. Authentic. Motivating. Heart. That is Aubrey. I am lucky to have her as my trainer and honored to call her my friend.”

— Tanya M.

“January 2019, I was tired of being tired and out of shape. I had spent so many years caring for others that I forgot to take care of myself. That all changed when I met Aubrey and hired her as my personal trainer. One unique quality about Aubrey is she takes the time to truly listen to my fitness goals, and set a concrete plan on how to achieve those goals. Each time I reached a goal we set another. She is able to figure out what motivates me and customized my workout accordingly. I work out twice a week with Aubrey and the workouts are always challenging, interesting and inspiring. At 50 years old, I am in the best shape I have been in a long time. Not only the physical changes but my energy and confidence has increased tremendously. Aubrey’s passion and expertise has sparked a renewed love for fitness in myself. Aubrey has forever changed my life.”

— Karie

“Aubrey has that rare combination of kindness and positivity mixed with unparalleled determination and grit. This makes her the most effective trainer I’ve ever had. She’s delightful, full of energy, insightful and so encouraging. But she also doesn’t take any nonsense; she won’t let you give up on yourself and your goals. I cannot recommend her enough!”

— Helen

“I have known Aubrey for well over 10 years as a trainer, and later as great friend. She thoroughly goes over your physical history and plans workouts based on any issues you my have. Her training is tailored specifically to you and your needs. Aubrey’s workouts are challenging, but she watches very closely and will change the workout as needed. She is very knowledgeable on the physical body and how it all works together, but is also very open and friendly. As I have trained with her I have seen my body change in ways I never thought I could. I am stronger and more fit at 55 than I’ve been in my whole life. I highly recommend Aubrey as a personal trainer, she is amazing.”

— Angie

“Aubrey is simply the best! I worked with her years ago and we reconnected after a surprising breast cancer diagnosis. She is encourager, motivator and driving force all in one! She is not-judgmental, listens, and modifies my workouts based on how my body is feeling. She has helped me to be stronger both mentally and physically. Aubrey is innovative and can alter workouts successfully if it necessary. Her knowledge and personality make her your champion. Aubrey will research something she may not know, she will consult others professionals if she needs a different perspectives, and she will always discuss your goals, your challenges and the continual change as you progress. Aubrey’s focus is not just fitness it is total health-mentally, physically and emotionally because they all impact each other. She is professional, has integrity and is always going to do what is right. I genuinely believe Aubrey is doing exactly what she was meant to do!”

— Tanya D.

Aubrey became my trainer at a point in my life where I knew I needed help, but didn’t know what to do and where to get started. I knew I needed to lose weight, and was desperate to feel more balanced and healthy. I tried diets and could not figure out why it wasn’t working for me. The day I met Aubrey, literally a new season in my life started. Aubrey had so much faith in me. She believed that I could reach my goals and made me believe in myself again. Aubrey has helped me to understand what my body needs and what works for me. As a result I lost the weight, but more importantly I felt hope, life and balance come back into my life. Aubrey has been an amazing support and friend during this journey. She knows her stuff and is always creative and flexible when things don’t go as planned. Aubrey literally pours herself into the people she trains and lives her life by example. She is the incredible and 100% the real deal!

— Petre